Friday, December 7, 2007

Sky Rocketing Computer Sales

Every sector is directly or indirectly related with computer based operations. This is evident fromthe increasing sales of computers every year. In India, the computer sales rose by a whopping figure of 20% in 2007 compared to last year's sales. 2007 saw a sale of 6.5m computers against 5.4m in 2006.

HP continued to lead with a market share of 21%, followed by HCL at 13% and then by Lenovo at 10%. This increase in sales is expected to reach to a 25% increase in 2008 and continue with an increase percentage of 20% for the next 4 years. With all these predictions, the PC manufacturers are said to be in a potentially profitable position, atleast for the next 5 years.

Not only India, even worldwide, the sales of computers have always been on the increasing side and noton the decline. This is because of the ever increasing demand and the advantages associated with the use of computers.

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