Tigers are one of the most beautiful land animals today on earth. But will they continue to be admired the most is the question, for they are being hunted down so rapidly that they may not be roaming on the earth in the next decade. To put it in simple words, tigers are on the verge of extinction. Their numbers are estimated to be around 6500 and this number is reducing at an alarming rate.
There existed 8 species of tigers of which only 5 species exist at present. The 2 possible threats for their existence might be
. Poaching
. Loss of Habitat
. Loss of Habitat
Poachers hunt them for their skin, bones etc. and other is the ever increasing human population and lack of space to live.
Control Measures :
The effective ways are, implementing tough laws and enforcing penalties for those who break laws. Active campaigns, petitions, awareness among people, activists are the ones that can put a halt at this inhuman activity. If we do not stop this, then we wont have any tigers left to show the future generation that such an animal once roamed the Earth.
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