Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Triangle Problem

Though most of the things can be given a convincing answer, most others cannot be solved and still remaina puzzle. One such thing is the Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle. It is a triangular region in the Atlantic Ocean, off the south east US. In this area, several ships and aircraftshasvanished without leaving a trace. The area is bounded by Florida, Puerto Rica and Bermuda. Thetriangle extends from 25 to 40 N latitude and 55 to 85 W longitude, covering a total area of 3,900,000 sq.Km

Several planes, ships have never been spared pnce they entered this territory. On Dec.5th, 1945,5 US torpedo bombers disappeared on the thin air after they heard some bizzare radio signals. A Seaplane sent to investigate this also vanished. A recent case of this kind was the loss of a US nuclearsubmarine in 1968. From there onwards, everyone became more conscious and named it a Deadly triangle.

There were many attempts to unravel this mystery, but no one could possibly come out with a concrete solution. Some said that the heavy winds, and air currents were cause of this deadly act, where assome came up with the idea that there could be heavy Magnetic Fields that blocked the radio signals.But till date, no convincing answer has beem given on this.

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